
1. Install the shroom package

To install shroom in your project, use the following command.

npm install @jankuss/shroom pixi.js

If you are using yarn, you can use

yarn add @jankuss/shroom pixi.js

2. Dump assets into your project

Run the following commands to dump the required assets into your project directory. This will take some time. The --url option specifies the url to the external variables to use. The --location option specifies the location where the assets should get dumped into. You can adjust both as needed.

npm install -g @jankuss/shroom
shroom dump --url --location ./public/resources

You will need to serve the created resources folder with a http server, so shroom can access the required assets.

4. Create the Shroom instance

Lastly, in your code, import and initialize the Shroom instance.

import * as PIXI from "pixi.js";
import { Shroom } from "@jankuss/shroom";
const view = document.querySelector("#root") as HTMLCanvasElement;
const application = new PIXI.Application({ view });
// Assuming the resources are available under http://localhost:8080/resources
const shroom = Shroom.create({ application, resourcePath: "./resources" });

Now, you are fully ready to use shroom. Check out the Guides section to learn how to use shroom.

Also, take a look at the example project in the shroom repository for a basic project depending on shroom. You can use it as a boilerplate for your own.